A WWII Memoir: From Cherbourg to Berlin
G. Richard Morgan

Now available at www.lulu.com

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A first hand account of the men of the author's Third Platoon - who fought their way across Europe to meet the Russians on the banks of the Elbe River outside Berlin.

"I was not around for WWII, but I am a Vietnam vet so I know where Richard Morgan is coming from.  His book made me feel as though I were there.  The men he told of were the same men in my platoon, only other names.  I was in the 101st 502, wounded 9-21-67 on my second tour of duty.  I read a lot of books but this one book held me and would not let me put it down.  I want to thank him for what he did for the U.S. and the world.  Hitler would not have been stopped if it weren't for men like Richard Morgan.  God bless the men in all wars that didn't come home."
                                                                           Leonard Martin

"A well told story of war as seen through the eyes of a young soldier. The experience was so poignant that the intervening decades haven’t dimmed the details of the actual events. I suppose this isn’t unusual: Generals plan battles, but soldiers fight them, soldiers who are usually about 19 or 20 years old. It makes for memorable reading."
                                                                           Ed Landerkin

"Shattered Walls is one of the best books I have read.  The author brings the characters to life, and  you feel as though you know them.  Many times I was moved to tears as these brave men gave their life for their country.  This book truly depicts what it was like being a soldier in WWII.  I rate it Five Stars and a must-read book for everyone."
                                                                           Flora Anderson

"What a great read to go back in time and see just what our dear men in the military went through during that war.  We are a very blessed people to have had such great men in our corner.  It is very hard to read stories of this magnitude and not be moved to tears.  I love my fellow men and all the veterans.  These men of the military are our angels.  Thank you, God, our Father,  and Jesus Christ who have blessed us with great men of such stature."
                                                                           Beverly E.G. Vance